Using PostGIS with MapServer
[postgis] Using PostGIS with MapServer Paul Ramsey pramsey@refractions.net Fri Aug 3 19:48:23 2001 Here is a brief description of a LAYER entry using PostGIS (http://postgis.refractions.net) as a spatial data source: PostGIS provides a SQL interface to large sets of spatial data. The 'CONNECTIONTYPE' is 'postgis'. The spatial data is stored in tables as a column alongside the attribute data. Correspondingly, for MapServer to build a PostGIS layer, it needs to know: - What database to connect to (CONNECTION) - While table to get the data from (DATA) - Which column in the table holds the spatial objects (DATA) - Any extra filtering information used to subset the data to be displayed (FILTER) The database connection is governed by the a 'connection string' which is a standard set of keys and values like this (with the default values in <>): "user=<username> password=<password> dbname=<username> host=<localhost> port=<5432>" An empty connection string is still valid, and any of the key/value pairs can be omitted. At a minimum you will generall supply the database name and username to connect with. The connection string goes in the 'CONNECTION' parameter of the LAYER object: CONNECTION "user=dbuser dbname=gisdatabase" A complete SQL query which pulls a windowed subset of spatial data from a PostGIS database might look like this: a) SELECT b) geom FROM roads c) WHERE d) geom && 'BOX3D(1423141 1512324 1513214 1652151)'::box3d e) AND f) type = 'highway' When Mapserver pulls data from the database, it constructs this kind of query. Parts a, c and e are just syntactical. Part d is derived from the current extents automatically. Parts b and f are supplied in the map file, in the 'DATA' and 'FILTER' lines of the layer definition repectively. The example below gives a complete layer, with filtering and expressions: note that the expressions in the CLASS objects do *not* use SQL logical syntax, they use Mapserver's internal syntax for describing logical comparisons. LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME "widehighways" # Connect to a remote spatial database CONNECTION "user=dbuser dbname=gisdatabase host=bigserver" # Get the lines from the 'geom' column of the 'roads' table DATA "geom from roads" STATUS ON TYPE LINE # Of the lines in the extents, only render the wide highways FILTER "type = 'highway' and numlanes >= 4" CLASS # Make the superhighways brighter and 2 pixels wide EXPRESSION ([numlanes] >= 6) COLOR 255 22 22 SYMBOL "solid" SIZE 2 END CLASS # All the rest are darker and only 1 pixel wide EXPRESSION ([numlanes] < 6) COLOR 205 92 82 END END -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: pramsey@refractions.net | Phone: (250) 885-0632 \_
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