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doc:appunti:prog:kivy [2019/02/25 10:10] niccolodoc:appunti:prog:kivy [2023/10/07 19:53] (current) – [Logging] niccolo
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Appunti Kivy ====== ====== Appunti Kivy ======
-****+===== Python Code and KV Language ===== 
 +This is the **** file:
 <code python> <code python>
 #!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
 from import App from import App
 #kivy.require("1.8.0") #kivy.require("1.8.0")
Line 20: Line 21:
     KivyExampleApp().run()     KivyExampleApp().run()
 </code> </code>
 +In the code above we derived a class named **KivyExampleApp** from the Kivy's **App** class. The Kivy code will automatically search for a file called **kivyexample.kv**, and it will parse it using the **KV language**. The name of the file is derived by the class name, making it all lowercase and removing the leftmost **//App//** part (if it exists). So this is the **kivyexample.kv** file:
 <file> <file>
     font_size: 40     font_size: 40
     color: 0,1,0,1     color: 0,1,0,1
Line 35: Line 38:
         pos_hint: {'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5}         pos_hint: {'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5}
     MyButton:     MyButton:
-        text: "Center right-top"+        text: "Pos right-top"
         pos_hint: {'right': 0.9, 'top': 0.3}         pos_hint: {'right': 0.9, 'top': 0.3}
     MyButton:     MyButton:
Line 41: Line 44:
         pos_hint: {'right': 0.5, 'top': 1.0}         pos_hint: {'right': 0.5, 'top': 1.0}
 </file> </file>
 +In the Python code, the App constructor will return the **MyLayout** class, which is derived from the Kivy's **FloatLayout** class. The original class is an empty widget, but we added several buttons using the KV language.
 +Notice that **MyLayout** is derived from **FloatLayout** declaring it into the **Python code**, whereas the **MyButton** class is derived from the original **Button** class using the KV language, via the //@Button// construct. The result should be something like this:
 +We used a KV file to define the graphic interface of our App, but **it is possible to do that using only Python code**, thus having only a single file. But doing as seen above has several advantages. First of all you can try to keep the **graphical presentation** and the **code logic** as much **separate** as possibile. Another advantage is that resizing the app's window, will resize all its contents automatically (if you are smart enough not to use absolute values); otherwise you have to bind the window-resize event to a function which should adjust each widget size and position.
 +===== Using the Widget Class =====
 +In general our App will return a class derived from the more generic **Widget** class, not the //FloatLayout// or others layouts classes. So the KV file will look like this:
 +    FloatLayout:
 +        size: root.size
 +        MyButton:
 +            text: "Pos 0, 0"
 +            pos_hint: {'x': 0, 'y': 0}
 +We requested that the FloatLayout expands to all the parent (root) **size**, so the example will give the same output as in the previous paragraph.
 +===== A Real App With an ActionBar =====
 +<code python>
 +#!/usr/bin/env python
 +from import App
 +from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
 +class MyWidget(Widget):
 +    pass
 +class KivyWindowExampleApp(App):
 +    def build(self):
 +        return MyWidget()
 +if __name__ == "__main__":
 +    KivyWindowExampleApp().run()
 +    font_size: 28
 +    color: 0,1,0,1
 +    size_hint: 0.3, 0.2
 +    BoxLayout:
 +        size: root.size
 +        orientation: 'vertical'
 +        ActionBar:
 +            pos_hint: {'top': 1}
 +            ActionView:
 +                use_separator: True
 +                ActionPrevious:
 +                    title: "MyGame"
 +                    with_previous: False
 +                ActionOverflow:
 +                    ActionButton:
 +                        text: "Exit"
 +                    ActionButton:
 +                        text: "About"
 +                ActionButton:
 +                    text: "New Game"
 +        FloatLayout:
 +            MyButton:
 +                text: "Pos 0, 0"
 +                pos_hint: {'x': 0, 'y': 0}
 +            MyButton:
 +                text: "Center x-y"
 +                pos_hint: {'center_x': 0.5, 'center_y': 0.5}
 +            MyButton:
 +                text: "Pos right-top"
 +                pos_hint: {'right': 0.9, 'top': 0.3}
 +            MyButton:
 +                text: "Pos 0.5, 1.0"
 +                pos_hint: {'right': 0.5, 'top': 1.0}
 +{{.:kivy:kivywindowexample.png?direct&320|Kivy ActionBar Example}}
 +===== Logging =====
 +Like a plain Python program, it is possible for a Kivy app to produce some logging using the Kivy logger. The output will go, by default, to a file created into the app home directory, into the **files/app/.kivy/logs/** directory.
 +<code python>
 +from kivy.logger import Logger, LOG_LEVELS
 +# Set the loglevel. The Android log file will be create into
 +# [app_home]/files/app/.kivy/logs/
 +Logger.setLevel(LOG_LEVELS['debug'])'Informative message')
 +Without root privileges it is not possibile for another Android app (e.g. a file browser) to access the log directory. The Kivy **app home** will be into the adopted SD card, under something like this:
 +In older Android versions (e.g. Android 8) the app home directory will be something like:
 +Every time that the Kivy environment is initializated, a new log file will be created; the filename will be something like **kivy_YY-MM-DD_N.txt**, where YY-MM-DD is the date and N is a progressive integer starting from zero.
doc/appunti/prog/kivy.1551089444.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/25 10:10 by niccolo