Table of Contents

Installing MLDonkey 3.2.1

How to have MLDonkey running on a Debian 12 Bookworm.

Compiling the source code

The compilation procedure can be executed on a development machine, where you install all the required packages. Then you can copy only the mlnet binary into the production host.

Download the source code from the new GitHub repository (the old Sourceforge repository was abandoned in August 2023). We downloaded the tag Release 3.2.1.

mkdir -p /usr/local/src/mldonkey
cd /usr/local/src/mldonkey

Some Debian packages are required to make the basic compile. We don't need the GUI, so we compile to have only the Command Line Interface (CLI) and the web interface; the package liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml-dev referred by the build instructions is not required:

apt install ocaml camlp4 libnum-ocaml-dev

You may want to install some additional libraries to get more options working:

apt install libmagic-dev libgd-dev libbz2-dev
make install

The binary mlnet can be copied into another machine (/usr/local/bin/ is the suggested directory). You can verify tha all the libraries are insalled using the command ldd mlnet.

Running as non-privileged user

mkdir /var/lib/mldonkey
addgroup --system mldonkey
adduser --system --home /var/lib/mldonkey --no-create-home \
    --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --ingroup mldonkey mldonkey
chown -h mldonkey:mldonkey /var/lib/mldonkey
chown -R mldonkey:mldonkey /var/lib/mldonkey/
su --shell=/bin/bash - mldonkey

If the program is started by the root user, you can force a setuid to the non privileged user by settings into the downloads.ini the following option (in the example the 128 is the GID of the MLDonkey user):

run_as_useruid = 128

FIXME Need to create a systemd unit to start the program.


mkdir /var/log/mldonkey
chown -R mldonkey:mldonkey /var/log/mldonkey

FIXME Need to create the /etc/logrotate.d/mldonkey-server logrotate file.

Opening the firewall

Using the Command Line Interface

telnet localhost 4000
> auth admin MySecret
Full access enabled

Initializing the server list

As explaind into this eMule FAQ, you need a list of some servers to initialize your client to the p2p network.

The default URL used by MLDonkey to fetch the server list is, but it seems outdated now (October 2024). So we fetched the list from the URL provided by the FAQ:

FIXME: How to fetch from the URL or alternatively how to get the file and copy it into the MLDonkey home directory.

To view the servers listed by the site in an human-readable format, visit the URL; so you can view each IP address and port. You can manually add each server from the MLDonkey command line:

> n 5687
New server

Initializing the Kademlia network

As explained by this eMule FAQ, a list of some other users already connected to the Kademlia network can be downloaded here:

Copy the nodes.dat file into the MLDonkey home directory and execute the following MLDonkey command line:

> kad_load nodes.dat
285 overnet peers loaded

Then you can check if the connection succeeded:

> kad_stats
Kademlia is enabled
Kademlia Connectivity: NOT enough online peers ,there maybe a problem with incoming udp packets

It is possibile also to boot the Kademlia network with just one peer using the command:

> kad_boot <ip> <port>

The Kademlia network is not properly initialized if you have zero peers:

> kad_boots
Boot peers: 0

The GeoIP database

Web References