====== FindMyDevice ======
The app **[[https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.nulide.findmydevice/|Find My Device (FMD)]]** is an open source alternative to the proprietary service offered by Google **[[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.adm&hl=en|Google Find My Device]]**.
To get help through SMS, send a message with:
fmd [PIN] help
The answer will be:
FindMyDevice Commands:
bluetooth - Toggle Bluetooth on and off
camera - Take a picture
delete - Factory-reset the device
gps - Toggle GPS on and off
locate - Locate the device
lock - Lock the device
nodisturb - Toggle Do Not Disturb on and off
ring - Make the device ring
stats - Get network statistics
help - Show the help