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tecnica:gps_cartografia_gis:openlayers_900913 [2010/11/05 13:19] niccolotecnica:gps_cartografia_gis:openlayers_900913 [2010/11/05 13:21] niccolo
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== OpenLayers with OpenStreetMap ======+====== OpenStreetMap con OpenLayers ======
 Le mappe di **[[|OpenStreetMap]]** (ma anche quelle di **[[|Google Maps]]** e di **[[|Virtual Earth]]**) utilizzano una proiezione **[[|Spherical Mercator]]**. Tale proiezione ha codice **EPSG:900913**, che purtroppo non è compresa tra le proiezioni di PROJ. Le mappe di **[[|OpenStreetMap]]** (ma anche quelle di **[[|Google Maps]]** e di **[[|Virtual Earth]]**) utilizzano una proiezione **[[|Spherical Mercator]]**. Tale proiezione ha codice **EPSG:900913**, che purtroppo non è compresa tra le proiezioni di PROJ.
Line 142: Line 142:
 This recipe can be improved by adding a ''bbox'' parameter (calculated at runtime) to the location of the layer, and forcing a call to ''updateFriends()'' whenever the viewport of the map changes. This recipe can be improved by adding a ''bbox'' parameter (calculated at runtime) to the location of the layer, and forcing a call to ''updateFriends()'' whenever the viewport of the map changes.
-===== Using Blue Marble imagery with OpenLayers ===== 
-==== Raster datasets from NASA ==== 
-Several imagery sets exists from NASA, among them: 
-  * **[[|Blue Marble next generation]]** (1 pixel = 500x500 m) 
-  * **[[|Land Sat 7]]** (1 pixel = 15x15 m) 
-The original Blue Marble images came from **[[|MODIS]]**, the spectroradiometer aboard of **[[|Terra]]** and **[[|Aqua]]** satellites. //Blue Marble Next Generation// added more spatial resolution. 
-==== Blue Marble WMS Server ==== 
-OnEarth WMS server by NASA offers a standard WMS service plus a "Tiled WMS" (prerendered tiles). 
-  * 
-  * 
-==== World Wind ==== 
-**[[|NASA World Wind]]** 
-**World Wind** is a software (open source but MS-Windows only) developed by NASA which allows to pan and zoom into several raster datasets offered by NASA servers. World Wind uses (among others) Blue Marble imagery. 
-The same imagery server can be used by other software, e.g. OpenLayers via the ''OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind()'' function. 
-==== Blue Marble WMS Tiled Server ==== 
-  * **[[|Tiled WMS]]** 
-This is an extension to the standard WMS protocol, the capabilities of such services are exposed at: 
-  * [[]] 
-Some of the tags announced by the service are: 
-^ OnlineResource     | Server prefix (%%http://...%%)   | 
-^ LatLonBoundingBox  | Covered area    | 
-^ width, height      | Tile size       | 
-^ format             | Tile format ()  | 
-^ bbox               | Tile coverage   | 
-^ Name                               | 
-^ Title              |                 | 
-^ Abstract                           | 
tecnica/gps_cartografia_gis/openlayers_900913.txt · Last modified: 2010/11/05 13:47 by niccolo