ATTENZIONE: gran parte di questi appunti sono obsoleti. Per installare il software sotto riportato su una Debian Lenny o una Debian Squeeze si possono utilizzare i pacchetti forniti dalla distribuzione oppure utilizzare dei backport, ad esempio quelli di
DebianGis ha il suo SVN. I Debian files di GRASS provengono da uno di questi rami SVN:
svn export svn:// svn export svn:// svn export svn://
Attualmente (2007-03-27) il trunk principale va bene per compilare grass 6.2.1 su Debian Etch.
Aggiornamento 2006-01-15.
Software | Package | Apt source | Install | Latest | Note |
PostgreSQL | postgresql-8.1 | Debian Etch | 8.1 | 8.1 | SQL Database |
PostGIS | libpostgis1-pg8.1_1.1.0 | Debian-GIS | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | Adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL database |
PROJ | proj | Debian Etch | 4.4.9 | 4.4.9 | Cartographic projection filter and library |
GEOS | libgeos2c2a | Debian Etch | 2.1.4 | 2.2.1 | Geometry Engine: C++ spatial functions and operators |
GDAL | libgdal1c2a | Debian Etch | 1.2.6 | 1.3.1 1) | Geospatial Data Abstraction Library is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats |
OGR | gdal-bin | Debian Etch | 1.2.6 | 1.3.1 2) | Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Utility programs |
MapServer | cgi-mapserver | Debian Etch | 4.6.1 | 4.6.2 | Environment for building spatially-enabled internet applications |
Software |
Gpsbabel, Gpsman, Gpsmanshp, Gpstrans |
qgis-plugin-grass |
We get some packages on-hold:
Package | Holded version | My be replace with | ||
libpq3 | 7.4.7-6sarge1 | libpq3 | 1:7.4.8-17 | testing |
postgresql | 7.4.7-6sarge1 | postgresql-7.4 | 1:7.4.8-17 | testing |
postgresql-client | 7.4.7-6sarge1 | postgresql-client-7.4 | 1:7.4.8-17 | testing |
postgresql-contrib | 7.4.7-6sarge1 | postgresql-contrib-7.4 | 1:7.4.8-17 | testing |
Got and installed the following packages from Unstable:
Got the package php4-mapscript_4.6.1-4_i386.deb from Unstable, but it is uninstallable because it depends from libapache-mod-php4
(which we do not have, because we run Apache2) or from phpapi-20020918
(which does not exists). Binary repackaged, changing only the depends:
libapache-mod-php4 | phpapi-20020918 | libapache2-mod-php4
The Apache module does not load, we have to edit /etc/php4/apache2/php.ini
adding a line
and we have to create a symbolic link:
/usr/lib/php4/20050606/ -> ../20020429/
Got the package libpostgis1-pg74_1.0.0-1_i386.deb from Debian Unstable, binary repackaged changing the depends:
libgeos2 (>= 2.1.1) | libgeos2c2