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doc:appunti:hardware:sjcam-8pro-api [2022/04/29 17:45] – [Ambarella msg_id Codes] niccolodoc:appunti:hardware:sjcam-8pro-api [2022/05/02 11:22] (current) – removed niccolo
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-====== SJCAM SJ8 Pro WiFi API ====== 
-The camera offers an **API** over the **TCP protocol** on port **7878**. When the WiFi is on, you can open a open connection with it and exchange JSON messages to control the camera. This is the interface used by the official app. 
-The protocol was at least partially **reversed engineered** (see the [[#web_references|web references]] below). 
-===== JSON Messages ===== 
-This is what a **JSON message** sent from the host (e.g. the Android smartphone) to the SJ8 Pro looks like: 
-{"param":"2022-04-25 10:29:59","msg_id":2,"type":"camera_clock","token":2} 
-The most important item of the message is the **msg_id**, for each code there may be other parameters that must be instantiated, usually **type** and **param**. The **token** represents the current session and must be obtained first. 
-The first message sent from the host is the **AMBA_START_SESSION** (msg_id 0 257): 
-the answer from the SJCAM is something like this: 
-The returned value **rval** should be **zero**, generally a negative number means some error occurred. The token is received into the **param** item, generally is an integer increasing by one on every new connection. 
-==== Ambarella msg_id Codes ==== 
-The names of the Ambarella codes (the first column in the following table) were taken from various sources on the net (see [[#web_references]]). Some were named by me, because I did not find any documentation about them (the ones prefixed with ???). 
-^ Ambarella Name       ^ Value  ^ Use  ^ 
-| AMBA_START_SESSION      257 | Get initial session token.  | 
-| AMBA_STOP_SESSION    |    258 | Terminate the session.  | 
-| AMBA_GET_SETTING          1 | Get the value of a a single camera setting.  | 
-| AMBA_SET_SETTING          2 | Set the value of a camera setting. Settings are the ones returned by AMBA_GET_ALL_CURRENT_SETTINGS, plus some others, like camera_clock, camera_mode, save_low_resolution_clip, stream_out_type, ...  | 
-| AMBA_GET_ALL_CURRENT_SETTINGS  |  3 | Get current camera settings. Notice: some settings appear more than once, but setting one will change all of them.  | 
-| AMBA_GET_SPACE            5 | Get card space, total and free.  | 
-| AMBA_NOTIFICATION    |      7 | Notification message. Generally this message is not an answer to a previous host message and it does not contain the ''rval'' item.  | 
-| AMBA_GET_SINGLE_SETTING_OPTIONS  |  9 | Get the list of values accepted by a setting.  | 
-| AMBA_GET_DEVICEINFO  |  11 | Get camera brand, model, firmware and API version, etc.  | 
-| ??? AMBA_CAMERA_OFF  |  12 | Power off the camera. The message must contain the item ''param:cam_off'' | 
-| AMBA_GET_BATTERY_LEVEL  |  13 | Get power state and battery charge percent.  | 
-| AMBA_BOSS_RESETVF    |  259 | Re-enable the shutter button after an AMBA_STOP_VF message. The message fails if the camera is displaying some settings screen. The code is referenced with different names in other sources: sendResetVF, sendForceResetVF.  | 
-| AMBA_STOP_VF  |  260 | In the SJCAM SJ8 Pro this message disables the shutter button. May be it was intended to disable the viewfinder?  | 
-| AMBA_RECORD_START  |  513 | Start recording (timelapse, burst, ...)  | 
-| AMBA_RECORD_STOP  |  514 | Stop recording.  | 
-| AMBA_GET_RECORD_TIME  |  515 | Get current recording length in seconds.  | 
-| AMBA_TAKE_PHOTO  |  769 | Take a photo.  | 
-| ??? AMBA_GET_CURRENT_MODE_SETTINGS  |  2053 | Get current mode (video, photo, etc.) settings. It returns a subset of the AMBA_GET_ALL_CURRENT_SETTINGS message.  | 
-| ??? AMBA_SET_WIFI  |  2055 | Change the WiFi connecting parameters (effective after a reboot). The message must contain ''type:ESSID'' and ''param:SecretPassword''. The Android app requires password to be at least nine characters long.  | 
-| Returned message ||| 
-| msg_id  |  515 | 
-| rval    |  -14 | Camera is not recording  | 
-|            0 | OK  | 
-| param    120 | Record length in seconds, if exists.  | 
-===== Executing API commands at bootstrap ===== 
-It is possible to automatically execute some API calls at camera bootstrap, without connecting any WiFi device to the camera itself. 
-In this scenario the **RTOS** operating system on the camera uses the **telnet** command to talk to the **GNU/Linux** operating system running on the same camera, which handles the API requests (the camera actually runs two operating system simultaneusly: RTOS and Linux). 
-I was able to **create a script** to select the Color Profile automatically at boot. Remember that, due a firmware bug, the color profile choiche is not preserved across reboots, and you have to disable the Gyro Stabilizer before selecting the Color Profile. 
-Executing that script at camera startup is a rather convoluted process: 
-  * At bootstrap, the RTOS executes the **autoexec.ash** Ambarella Script. 
-  * Using the command **t ipc rpc clnt exec2** it is possible to execute a script into the **GNU/Linux** operating system. 
-  * The GNU/Linux environment has the **busybox** software, so it is possible to use the **telnet** command to establish a TCP connection with the API server at **localhost:7878**. 
-  * The required **JSON commands** are sent to the API server to disable Gyro Stabilizer, select the Color Profile and then re enable Gyro Stabilizer. 
-**WARNING**: It seems that the API implementation is rather buggy. I experienced several problems ranging from **commands not aknowledged** if sent with bad timing (not waiting enough time from one command to the next), even to suddenly **reboot**! 
-Here there are the three files that must be created on the root directory of the SD card: 
-sleep 5000 
-t ipc rpc clnt exec2 '/tmp/SD0/autoexec.rc' 
-# Send some commands to the TCP:7878 API. 
-# Set the color profile to "SJCAM - Vivid" and enable Gyro Stabilizer. 
-# We should get the token number from msg_id 257, but this script 
-# is executed at boot, so the token should be always "1". 
-# A pause of 0.5 is required for each command to be completed. 
-# By trial we discovered that a pause of 0.4 is not sufficient. 
-  echo '{"msg_id": 257, "token": 0}'; sleep 1.5; 
-  echo '{"msg_id": 2, "type": "Gyro Stabilizer", "param": "Off",           "token": '$T'}'; sleep $S; 
-  echo '{"msg_id": 2, "type": "Color Profile",   "param": "Flat",          "token": '$T'}'; sleep $S; 
-  echo '{"msg_id": 2, "type": "Color Profile",   "param": "SJCAM - Vivid", "token": '$T'}'; sleep $S; 
-  echo '{"msg_id": 2, "type": "Gyro Stabilizer", "param": "On",            "token": '$T'}'; sleep $S; 
-  sleep 1.0; 
-} | telnet localhost 7878 
-===== Web References ===== 
-  * **HTTP API** 
-    * **[[|HTTP API (Thieye T5e)]]** - Not longer available: **{{.:sjcam:4867-http-api-thieye-t5e.html|local copy}}** 
-    * **{{.:sjcam:foream_wireless_remote_control_api.pdf|Foream Wireless Remote Control API}}** 
-    * **{{| APK}}** Java code decompiled from YI app? 
-    * **[[|API Reverse engineering]]** 
doc/appunti/hardware/sjcam-8pro-api.1651247108.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/29 17:45 by niccolo