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doc:appunti:android:logo_bootanimation [2019/10/07 09:01] – [log.bin] niccolodoc:appunti:android:logo_bootanimation [2019/10/07 14:33] (current) – [Contents of] niccolo
Line 29: Line 29:
 {{img-24.png?80}} {{img-24.png?80}}
-===== Web References =====+==== Unpack and repack the log.bin ====
 +Unfortunately the [[|mtkimg]] did not work with my logo.bin. The [[|issue]] is about unsopported signature and RGB format. So I write a Python script, download it here: **{{mtk-android-logo.txt|mtk-android-logo}}**.
 +./mtk-android-logo unpack
 +Run the script into the same directory containing the **logo.bin** file; a **logo.d** directory will be created with compressed (.z) and uncompressed (.bin) files.
 +./mtk-android-logo repack
 +For repacking, the script needs the original **logo.bin** and a **logo.d** directory containing the pictures. If the z-compressed picture exists, it will be used, otherwise the .bin one is used after z-compressing it. The resulting image is saved as **logo.repack.bin**.
 +Pictures are expected to be **raw RGB**, stored with **z-compression**. The pixel size (width x height) of each picture must be guessed.
 +Suppose that th e screen size is 720x1280 and the biggest, uncompressed picture is 3686400 bytes:
 +3686400 / (720 * 1280) = 4
 +so we can desume that the picture is 4 bytes/pixel, i.e. a 32bit RGB. By **trial and error** we found that it is an BGRA (Blue, Green, Red and Alpha), we can convert it into PNG with **ffmpeg**, specifying the **bgra** pixel format:
 +ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo \
 +    -pix_fmt bgra -s 720x1280 -i "img-01.bin" \
 +    -f image2 -vcodec png "img-01.png"
 +Once edited, we can convert it back to raw BGRA with:
 +ffmpeg -vcodec png -i "img-01.png" \
 +    -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgra "img-01.bin"
 +It is known that also 16bit raw formats are used (eg. bgr565le), you can guess it, if the size of the picture is 2 bytes per pixel. You can list all the pixel formats supprted by ffmpeg by running:
 +  ffmpeg -pix_fmts
 +===== =====
 +The logo contained into the **logo.bin** partition is displayed in the early stage of the boot process. Once the system partition is available, an animation is played for some seconds. That animation is contained into a zip file. In our case it turned out that the file is stored in **/system/media/**. To replace it, being into the **/system/** directory, **root privileges** are required.
 +There should be an executable responsible to actually run the animation, it should be **/system/bin/bootanimation**. It may search the in several directories, where the first one found, will be used. Searched directories can be:
 +  * **/custom/media/**
 +  * **/oem/media/**
 +  * **/data/local/**
 +  * **/system/media/**
 +If file is **not found**, the **framework-res.apk** package is searched into directories **/system/customer/framework/** or **/system/framework/**, that file contains two images that are used as a fall-back animation:
 +  * assets/images/android-logo-mask.png
 +  * assets/images/android-logo-shine.png
 +==== Contents of ====
 +Generally the animation is composed of **two parts**: the first is played just **once**, the second part is played in **loop** until the system is ready. This is controlled by the contents of the **desc.txt** file contained into the zip, here it is an example:
 +720 1280 15
 +p 1 0 part0
 +p 0 0 part1
 +The first line tell us that the animation is **720x1280 pixels**, at **15 frames per second**.
 +The second line tell us that there is a part of **type p** to be executed **1** time. The following number (**0** in the example above) someone says that it is a pause to wait after the animation, in my case it is instead ununsed at all. The actual frames are contained into the **part0** subdirectory.
 +The last line defines another part **type p** to be executed in an endless (**0**) loop until the system is ready, with a zero **0** pause. The frames are into the **part1** subdirectory.
 +A **type p** means that the animation can be interrupted when the boot process is completed. If you want instead a part to be played as the final part of the animation (e.g. if you want a fade-out effect), you have to use a **tpye c**, which means //play at least once//.
 +720 1280 15
 +p 1 0 part0
 +c 0 0 part1
 +c 0 0 part2
 +In the above example, once the boot process is completed, the **part1** is interrupted, and the **part2** is executed. Animation part **type c** was introduced with **Android Jelly Bean** (i.e. Android 4.1 to 4.3.1).
 +Frames are actually **PNG images**, of the proper size (720x1280 in our case).
 +So the directories structure should be something like this:
 +├── desc.txt
 +├── part0
 +│   ├── img_000.png
 +│   ├── ...
 +│   └── img_196.png
 +└── part1
 +    ├── img_197.png
 +    ├── ...
 +    └── img_207.png
 +To pack eveything into a zip file you can use the command:
 +zip -r -Z store desc.txt part0 part1
 +Beware of the **%%-Z store%%** option: the zip archive must be created using the **store compression method**, not the //deflate// one.
 +===== Web References =====
 +  * **[[|mtkimg]]** Unpack/Repack boot.img, recovery.img and logo.bin for Mediatek
   * **[[|BOOT ANIMATION explained]]**   * **[[|BOOT ANIMATION explained]]**
 +  * **[[|Understanding boot animations in Android]]**
doc/appunti/android/logo_bootanimation.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/07 14:33 by niccolo